Help unlocking Acer Aspire 4743 hidden options in BIOS
Is there any chance to unlock hidden options in this BIOS -Manufacturer:Acer -Type: Laptop -Model:Acer Aspire 4743 -Bios Model:V1.06 -Bios Type: Phoenix BIOS -processor:x64 based Your help will be...
View ArticleI need BIOS unlock for HP Compaq CQ58-347SG Notebook
Hello I am looking for a bios unlock for the laptop mentioned above. Is there something? now I have just the Insyde f.37 Sorry for mine bad english Unbenannt.png (Size: 64.52 KB / Downloads: 1)
View ArticleGA-Z77X-D3H Slic 2.1
-Manufacturer: Gigabyte -Motherboard Model: GA-Z77X-D3H Rev 1.0 -Bios revision: F5 -Bios Type: AWARD -Bios Slic: Asus 2.1 -Bios Download: Please,...
View Article[Request] InsydeH2O Lenovo G580 Bios Unlock
Can someone unlock my bios insydeh20 5ecn41ww (v4.00) i need overclocking options? -Manufacturer:Lenovo -Type: Laptop -Model:Lenovo G580ah -Bios Version: Lenovo insydeh20 5ECN41WW (v4.00)
View Article[REQUEST] Lenovo Thinkpad T430 2.62 G1UJ29US (UEFI BIOS G1ETA2WW) whitelist...
[REQUEST] Lenovo Thinkpad T430 2.62 G1UJ29US (UEFI BIOS G1ETA2WW) whitelist removal request (2014/01/20) Am using a Thinkpad T430-2349-G6U and wanted to know it's possible (without the use of a...
View ArticleHidden options for Packard Bell MH36
Hi! Is there any chance to unlock hidden options in this BIOS? -Manufacturer:Packard Bell -Type: Laptop -Model:Easy Note MH36-U-103IT -Bios Type: Phoenix BIOS Most important thing would be AHCI mode...
View ArticleHello need sum help "Q6600, bios version PBSFC2MB.P10
I've searched everywhere for an update for unlocking my bios, I found some topics, but the links for downloading are dead. I would appreciate some help over here. I wan't to unlock my Q6600 Imedia...
View Articledv9000 wlan whitelist
Hello there, i need a bios mod that can handle the atheros ar5bxb92 wifi card. I have already a whitelist modded bios but i have a problem, while the atheros works fine, even in the mavericks that i...
View ArticleAbit mcp61 bios
i flashed the Abit mcp61 bios to my mcp61pm-am board now the fan stays on high all the time anyone know how to fix
View Articlebios version PBSFC2MB.P10 unlock request
I've searched everywhere for an update for unlocking my bios, I found some topics, but the links for downloading are dead. I would appreciate some help over here. I wan't to unlock my Q6600 Imedia...
View ArticleHelp!! Whitelist Removal for Lenovo G500
BIOS 78cn23ww v2.01 then here is information of my wir card PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_432B&SUBSYS_1510103C&REV_01 PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_432B&SUBSYS_1510103C...
View Articleacer veriton m275 bios mod
hi to all i need some help on unlocking my acer veriton m275 bios, i need to over clock my proci a little bit and my ram has a limit for only 4g and i want to buy some extra memory so i cant play...
View Articlewill pay $100 for unlocked Sony Vaio svf15a18cxb
Hi, my name is Jared. I will seriously pay $100 to the person that can unlock all the hidden settings in my Sony Vaio svf15a18cxb Insyde bios. I've been trying to mod it myself but to no avail. Sony...
View Articlefile server
Just wondering if the file server is down @ I cannot access the site any more. I am waiting for a modded bios, but not sure if it timed out before you guys got to it.
View Article{unlock request}bios version PBSFC2MB.P10
I've searched everywhere for an update for unlocking my bios, I found some topics, but the links for downloading are dead. I would appreciate some help over here. I wan't to unlock my Q6600 Imedia and...
View ArticleLenovo G 580 (20157) Whitelist removal
Please help me remove whitelist for Lenovo G580 (20157) i want to change my wireless card. -Bios revision: 62CN97WW -Bios back file: many thanks in advance
View ArticleAcer Aspire V7 582PG
Hello I would like modded BIOS v2.25 Advanced menu Thank You BIOS 2.25 Acer Aspire V7 (Size: 3.4 MB / Downloads: 8)
View ArticleUnlock Toshiba P100/105 for Overclocking
Hello, I would like to ask someone to modify and unlock this BIOS, so that I can overclock it. I have a Toshiba Satellite P105 and an Intel T2700 (2.33 GHZ) and I only want to overclock it to 2.5 GHZ....
View ArticleUnlock Toshiba P100/105 BIOS
Hello, Would someone be able to unlock this BIOS so that I can overclock? The options should be in the BIOS, but it is locked. I don't think this...
View Article[question] whitelist removed bios apply?
Please inform moders how to apply [WL BIOS file] in which a whitelist is applied. ------------------------------[I Know ↓] 1. using hp usb disk storage tool. & 2. using unpack WL BIOS compressed...
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