This is the first modified BIOS that I released.
I was able to unlock four hidden options:
Debug Port
Adjust FSB Speed
USB Charge Setting
CPU Voltage
I have been running the netbook with the FSB speed setting as SuperPerformance ,and the CPU Voltage as Low, without any noticeable problems.
This was very easy to unlock using the latest AMI BCP.
I was hopping there was a way to disable Nvidia Optimus and set the default video card as either the Intel GMA 3150 or the Nvidia ION, so that I could run OS X with accelerated graphics. There might be a way to hack the BIOS further, but this is beyond my skill level for now. Maybe someone else could take a gander at it.
I noticed what appear to be several hidden options under the BIOS Strings tab within AMI BCP.
The ones that interest me the most are labeled as the following:
Initate Graphic Adapter
Select which graphicscontroller to use asthe primary bootdevice.
Internal Graphics Mode Select
Select the amount of system memory used by the Internal graphics device.
I'm not sure if these are options that can be enabled or not, maybe someone else can shine some light on this.
1215N.ROM (Size: 1 MB / Downloads: 0)
This is the first modified BIOS that I released.
I was able to unlock four hidden options:
Debug Port
Adjust FSB Speed
USB Charge Setting
CPU Voltage
I have been running the netbook with the FSB speed setting as SuperPerformance ,and the CPU Voltage as Low, without any noticeable problems.
This was very easy to unlock using the latest AMI BCP.
I was hopping there was a way to disable Nvidia Optimus and set the default video card as either the Intel GMA 3150 or the Nvidia ION, so that I could run OS X with accelerated graphics. There might be a way to hack the BIOS further, but this is beyond my skill level for now. Maybe someone else could take a gander at it.
I noticed what appear to be several hidden options under the BIOS Strings tab within AMI BCP.
The ones that interest me the most are labeled as the following:
Initate Graphic Adapter
Select which graphicscontroller to use asthe primary bootdevice.
Internal Graphics Mode Select
Select the amount of system memory used by the Internal graphics device.
I'm not sure if these are options that can be enabled or not, maybe someone else can shine some light on this.
1215N.ROM (Size: 1 MB / Downloads: 0)