Does anyone know whatever happened to The New Rebels Haven Computer Forum? I tried to access it at the locations I know of, & but was unable to access them.
Are they coming back or did they move?
Does anyone have a backup of their site? I found an archive at wayback machine, yet it's incomplete.
I didn't personally know or correspond with anybody there or sign-up, but was a long time lurker for about 2 years and it was a goldmine of bios information.
It'd be a shame if all that information were to disappear irretrievably...
Are they coming back or did they move?
Does anyone have a backup of their site? I found an archive at wayback machine, yet it's incomplete.
I didn't personally know or correspond with anybody there or sign-up, but was a long time lurker for about 2 years and it was a goldmine of bios information.
It'd be a shame if all that information were to disappear irretrievably...