Device in question, a Toshiba NB255-N250 netbook, factory outside of 2gig ram and SSD
Currently running latest V1.90 BIOS from Toshiba
Link to page
Does not support direct link to BIOS file, and its a smidgeon too big for attachment since it includes flashing program
Attachment is BIOS as read from the universal bios toolkit program (Size: 512.16 KB / Downloads: 0)
Zipped zero compression
Thank you in advance!!
PS biggest concern for me is increasing cpu and memory performance, internet browsing is miserable on firefox, and while smooth on internet explorer, less secure
Currently running latest V1.90 BIOS from Toshiba
Link to page
Does not support direct link to BIOS file, and its a smidgeon too big for attachment since it includes flashing program
Attachment is BIOS as read from the universal bios toolkit program (Size: 512.16 KB / Downloads: 0)
Zipped zero compression
Thank you in advance!!
PS biggest concern for me is increasing cpu and memory performance, internet browsing is miserable on firefox, and while smooth on internet explorer, less secure