Un saludo!!
Lenovo G580 (2189)
BIOS Version: 5ECN96WW (V. 9.01)
BIOS Download: http://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobi...cn96ww.exe
I'm trying to change the wireless card with an ATH-AR5B95, but bios says me "Unauthorized Wlan card, etc...."
Bios Backup: http://rghost.net/58150128
I need to remove the Whitelist. Thank you!!
Lenovo G580 (2189)
BIOS Version: 5ECN96WW (V. 9.01)
BIOS Download: http://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobi...cn96ww.exe
I'm trying to change the wireless card with an ATH-AR5B95, but bios says me "Unauthorized Wlan card, etc...."
Bios Backup: http://rghost.net/58150128
I need to remove the Whitelist. Thank you!!