I am a PC specialist and have what should be a relatively minor request regarding this already unlocked bios http://rghost.net/56989240 for the HM67 chipset. This is an insyde bios. The laptop will not boot with an Intel i3-3110M SR0N1 2.4GHz Socket G2 3MB cpu giving only a blank screen which flickers for a moment then halts. This is almost certainly entirely due to the fact the microcode for it is not present. I know with a fair degree of certainty this processor should indeed work just fine in this board and my colleagues agree. I'd be most grateful if someone could do this for me. I would attempt to do so myself but have no direct experience with this particular issue. I would much rather pop in my verified perfectly functional cpu than buy yet another 700$+ laptop for no reason.
I don't know if its helpful or relevant but these laptops are known to have a wireless WiFi whitelist that has proven to be a pain for others wanting to swap wireless chips. That was of course easily overcome. I doubt there would be a whitelist for cpus but who really knows what manufacturers are doing? Thank you for your attention.
I don't know if its helpful or relevant but these laptops are known to have a wireless WiFi whitelist that has proven to be a pain for others wanting to swap wireless chips. That was of course easily overcome. I doubt there would be a whitelist for cpus but who really knows what manufacturers are doing? Thank you for your attention.