Just wondering if anyone may have any thoughts on a BIOS problem that I have never come across before after changing a blown PSU. The motherboard is an Intel D945GCNL that on successful firing up again, first off reports dead CMOS battery and system date/time not being set but then loads OS (WinXP). The date & time are incorrect though (year being something like 16104) and resetting then rebooting, with new CMOS battery, still shows same errors & incorrect date/time.
Trying to correct in BIOS - latest NL94510J.86A ver. 0036 - shows labels for system date & time but no field with which to actually change. Have flashed BIOS back to earlier - ver. 0033 - but still the same. Booting with DOS disk & checking with DATE/TIME commands still shows corrupt date, so not a specific Windows or time server problem.
Out of ideas - can anyone else offer anything or is motherboard just cooked ?
Trying to correct in BIOS - latest NL94510J.86A ver. 0036 - shows labels for system date & time but no field with which to actually change. Have flashed BIOS back to earlier - ver. 0033 - but still the same. Booting with DOS disk & checking with DATE/TIME commands still shows corrupt date, so not a specific Windows or time server problem.
Out of ideas - can anyone else offer anything or is motherboard just cooked ?