Hi there.
Need whitelist removal for Lenovo G500 Bios 2.03
If possible Advance menu too but whitelist is more important.
If all works great i will Donate 5€ with Paypal for your hard work.
Please help it s the last step for Mavericks 10.9.2 on G500
Original dump with FPT_BACKUP-BIOS: http://ul.to/09sz4zp8
thx for reading and help
P.S OSX on G500 i can help too
Need whitelist removal for Lenovo G500 Bios 2.03
If possible Advance menu too but whitelist is more important.
If all works great i will Donate 5€ with Paypal for your hard work.
Please help it s the last step for Mavericks 10.9.2 on G500
Original dump with FPT_BACKUP-BIOS: http://ul.to/09sz4zp8
thx for reading and help
P.S OSX on G500 i can help too