Hi all
This is my first BIOS mod.
we use a AMI BIOS from our OEM (Quanmax - KEMX-2030)
Currently i am trying to change the default value setting in the BIOS .For, which i use AMIBCP for editing the default load values.
Since, i am in Linux platform i use FLASHROM for flashing the bios.
After flashing the BIOS when i restart the computer the values are not getting reflected.But , when i enter the BIOS and select - load default bios option it sets the values as expected in bios. I was for to perform below mentioned work around to achieve this. On BIOS flashing why it doesn't reflect the default values.
What should i do to achieve to load default values on flashing the ROM.Please guide
Workaround: when i reset the CMOS from OS from flashing the BIOS ROM because of CMOS checksum mismatch it loads the default settings and works as expected.
This is my first BIOS mod.
we use a AMI BIOS from our OEM (Quanmax - KEMX-2030)
Currently i am trying to change the default value setting in the BIOS .For, which i use AMIBCP for editing the default load values.
Since, i am in Linux platform i use FLASHROM for flashing the bios.
After flashing the BIOS when i restart the computer the values are not getting reflected.But , when i enter the BIOS and select - load default bios option it sets the values as expected in bios. I was for to perform below mentioned work around to achieve this. On BIOS flashing why it doesn't reflect the default values.
What should i do to achieve to load default values on flashing the ROM.Please guide
Workaround: when i reset the CMOS from OS from flashing the BIOS ROM because of CMOS checksum mismatch it loads the default settings and works as expected.